Scenario Creation

First, a scenario must be created; then, select a Cycle and Scenario to compare with. A Scenario is a set of product predictions for a specific price combination.

By default, Athena has the Reference Scenario preloaded and selected, which is the predictive volume of each cycle at the reference price (average price of the last 3 available months) for each Product-Retailer-Area.

Every other Scenario WILL BE COMPARED to the Reference one.

There are three ways to create a scenario:

  1. From the Scenario Map, which is a scatter plot Sell Out vs. Margin. The green circles are preloaded scenarios created and optimized by Athena.
    The user can filter them by 3 variables:
    1. Discount offered range ( % )
    2. Desired Volume Increase range ( % )
    3. Desired Margin Increase ( % )

2. Importing a user-customized Scenario using the available template.

3. Copy a Scenario: Reference, Custom, or from Scenario Map; and manually modify Sell Out prices.