Wise Athena Awarded 2022 POI Best-in-Class Distinction for Data Management and RGM

At Wise Athena, we come to work every day to empower the CPG industry. We feel humbled to be awarded as Best-in-Class in two categories by the POI 2022 EPx Vendor Panorama, a leading institution dedicated to helping CPG stakeholders to identify new technologies driving transformational change for the sector with a global scope.

Commenting on the awards, our Co-Founder and VP Octavio Hinojosa said: “It is an honor to be recognized by POI, as we continue to push the limits of technology and data to create a solution that is providing certainty and confidence to CPG leaders when making revenue impacting pricing and trade decisions.”

Keeping up with an ever-changing landscape 

“The past 12 months have brought with them a historic inflationary environment and forced many CPG brands to become reactive instead of proactive. Our solution allows brands to turn that dynamic around by knowing the outcome of their pricing changes, BEFORE implementing them. Imagine being able to align your supply and demand realities BEFORE planning your pricing and trade strategy. That is the reality we are delivering to our clients,” said our Head of US and Canada Sales, Kevin Kirby. 

See related: The Pricing Inflection Point: Why Protecting Your Margins Is Key

Best-in-Class Award Distinctions to Wise Athena:

  1. Data Management: Cleansing, harmonizing, and staging of data prior to; or as part of project implementation. Can also include data management processes to ensure ongoing data readiness.
  1. Revenue Growth Management (for Tier 2 & 3 Organizations &/or Other Tier 1 International Geos): RGM solution specifically designed for quicker implementation with T2/T3 and/or other geographies based on templating and configuration capabilities. Capabilities typically focused around robust pricing and promotion optimization. The sweet spot here is “solid, just enough” RGM capabilities that are fast to deploy.

Wise Athena, a provider of pioneering Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning predictive models for Pricing and Trade Promotion Optimization, has been awarded two Best-in-Class Distinctions in the areas of “Data Management” and “RGM Tier 2&3 Organizations &/or Other Tier 1 International Geos”.

According to the report, Wise Athena’s top key differentiators respond to our focus on data analytics and a science-first approach. Attention to customer success through support was also found to be a core competency of our offering. 

The advantages of going digital

AI-based platforms such as Wise Athena and its tailor-made capabilities support RGM teams on multiple fronts, whether it’s elasticity, market share, or competitive analysis, offering insights into the complexities that matter and remediation advice. 

RGM managers can optimize trade promotions for maximum return and prevent pricing changes from impacting sales volumes or margins negatively, even as the CPG landscape continues to evolve.

See related: When Should You Raise Your Prices?

We’re excited to continue to drive innovation, not only in our industry but for our clients and partners.

Click here to download our PDF excerpt of the POI 2022 EPx Vendor Panorama report.

Read our official press release here.

To access the full POI 2022 Enterprise Planning Vendor Panorama report, receive comp passes to upcoming POI events including the POI Fall Hybrid Summit, November 9-11, 2022, have access to the quarterly POI Manufacturer Connect Share Group, and much more, join POI as a member. http://poinstitute.com/membership 

For company/team membership, please contact Joanie Malin jmali@p-o-i.org. Teams receive a Certified Collaborative Marketer enrollment (value $5k) which is designed to develop the skills of leaders in the CPG Industry  http://poinstitute.com/certification-ccm/