We will like to start off by thanking our Speakers Paul Morgan Leader of Trade & Sales Analytics at Champions Petfoods, Tim Pantzlaff Vice President of Client at Adesso, Octavio Hinojosa VP, and Co-Founder from Wise Athena, Kevin Kirby Head of Sales US & Canada from Wise Athena, along with all the attendees for their contributions to the webinar “Outsmarting Inflation: How Elasticities Are The Key to Predicting Success in 2022”.
The continual disruption by the pandemic has made 2021 an eventful year. Between producer price increase and consumer price inflation has widened, and retailers and grocery shoppers alike are likely to face a reckoning this year. We expect people to become much more price sensitive. Leaders across all industries are planning their next move, gathering all the strategic elements needed to have a successful year.
Watch this webinar to learn:
- Elasticities prediction for 2022.
- Tendencies in price increase and trade promotions.
- Strategies that global companies are taking to achieve this year with success.
- How an AI/ML solution can help you achieve your goals.