The Predictive Curves are the results or output of the Artificial Intelligence process; for each item, you can see the predictive volume and margin for a series of price points. That is, for each item in the selected pricing strategy.

You have the predictive curve (that appears in the Grid View) which has the following information:

This includes:
- Sell Out Price vs. Predicted Sell Out Volume.
- Sell Out Price vs. Predicted Margin.
- Predictive Own Elasticity.
- Predicted Sell Out Volume at Reference Price (average of the last 3 months).
- Predicted Volume at Selected Scenario Price, this sell-out price can be changed at this point and the predicted volume will be updated.
- Summary of Sell Out, Margin, Sales Out, ROI, and Investment Out at selected scenario price with comparison with Reference scenario. Every time a price is changed, the summary is updated.