Daily Trade Promotions (DTPo) & Multibuy are feature extensions of the Trade Promotions module. While Trade Promotions cycles allow you to select monthly prices, the Daily Trade Promotion feature allows you to select daily prices in your scenario creation and customization. For example, if your Trade Promotion marketing strategy is to only apply discounts on the weekends or specific dates of the month and keep the rest of the month with a regular or full price, you will be able to plan these types of scenarios.
The Multibuy feature is also available and compatible with DTPo. Multibuy is a promotional strategy where two or more of the same product or product family are grouped together and sold for a special price.
Therefore, in addition to daily price selection, you are also able to plan a Multibuy event for the whole month or selected days.
If Daily Trade Promotion cycles are available to you, once inside the predictive curve plot, you will be able to see a calendar icon at the top-left corner and a dropdown menu at the top-right corner.

The calendar icon will let you select any day or a group of days of the working cycle, after applying the selection, a predictive curve filtered by those selected days will be displayed. Prices can be changed over the curve and its application will affect only the selected days. Once the new price has been set, you can click on the ‘clear button’ and select another group of days to assign a new price.

The Daily Price Simulator plot will come in handy to keep track of the selected TPR and/or Multibuy price assignments over the whole cycle. The Daily weight is visible as a line, helping you distinguish between days that may bring you more or less sales based on our Artificial Intelligence process. The bars in the plot represent the selected price for every day of the cycle, if Multibuy has been selected, the bar will have a dark grey outline for its selected days.

If Multibuy is applied, the following symbol will appear in the predictive curve.